Understanding user roles and permissions

When you add a new user to your Rapid Response account, you must assign them one or more roles. This article explains the three roles a user can be assigned in Rapid Response.

1. Dashboard Administrator

Users with the role Dashboard Administrator have the most control in your Rapid Response account. The most important permissions given to Dashboard Administrators are the ability to add and remove new users and the ability to add additional phone numbers to the Rapid Response account. We recommend keeping the number of users with the Dashboard Administrators role low because it has such important permissions.  


  • Can Add, Update, and Deactivate Users as well as perform the following actions.
    • Resend verification emails.
    • Resend verification texts.
  • Can Add Hotlines.
  • Can Update Hotlines. i.e.
    • Upload greeting and voicemail recordings.
    • Change the catchment areas.
    • Add hotline operators.
  • Can View (but not make or receive) Calls.
  • Can View Messages.
  • Can Create and Update Contacts.

2. Hotline Administrator

Users with the role Hotline Administrator can manage a hotline, including the status of operators.


  • Can Update Hotlines they administer.
  • Can Add Operator to a Hotline administer.
  • Can Remove Operator from a Hotline administer.
  • Can change an Operator's Status on a Hotline they administer.
  • Can Add Operators to the Hotlines they administer.
  • Can Create and Update Contacts.
  • Can View Calls.
  • Can View Messages.
  • Can Create and Update Contacts.

3. Operators

Users with the role Operator can send and receive calls and text messages on the hotline dashboard. This is the most frequently selected role for users.

Please Note: Only operators can make and receive calls. Therefore, if you have the role of Dashboard Administrator or Hotline Administrator and want to answer calls, you need to also add the Operator role to your profile.


  • Can Make and Receive Calls.
  • Can Read and Send Messages.
  • Can Create and Update Contacts.
  • Can Create and Update Incidents
  • Can Create Incident Alerts.
  • Can Update their Status on a Hotline they operate.
  • Can Update their own User Profile.