Creating audiences

What is an audience in Rapid Response? An audience is a group of contacts who share the same tags.

What can I do with audiences? You can communicate with audiences using three different tools on Rapid Response; Mass Notifications, the Incident Report, or Emails (under construction)

Before you and your team begin to use your Rapid Response account, we recommend Dashboard Administrators create Audiences.

  • Click Audiences on the top navigation bar on the main dashboard
  • Click Create New Audience on the top right
  • Type the name of the new audience
  • Type the description of the new audience
  • Select a conjunction

The conjunction option gives you the ability to create audiences using tags for your contacts in different ways. Selecting OR/ANY gives you the option to create an audience from contacts that have any of the tags you select below. Selecting AND/ALL gives you the option to create an audience of contacts that have all the selected tags combined.

  • Select the tags
  • Click Save