Creating an incident report

Incident reports is a feature used to send SMS text alerts to specific audiences about an ongoing event happening at a specific address. For example, if a call is made to report an active ICE raid at a home, an operator can create an incident report to notify an audience like Legal Observer to request they arrive at the scene.

Note: This is a two-step process.

Creating an incident report

  • Click Incidents on the left navigation bar on the Hotline Dashboard

  • Click the Report an Incident green button on the top right

  • Select the Category

  • Select the Status (Ongoing or Completed)

  • Insert the address of the event - Tip: if its a business, you can try to type its name in the search bar to see if it appears on Google Maps

  • Click Create New Incident

Send Notification

Now that you have the incident location selected, you will need to select the audience to send the text alert to.

  • Select the mile radius 
  • Select the Audience
  • Type the message you want to send to your audience
    • You will see how many contacts Rapid Response found that are part of the audience and located within the selected mile radius
  • Click Send Message

The message will be sent to the audience contacts. If they respond back to the text, it will appear in the Hotline's text message board.