What is the Difference Between Users and Contacts?

What is the Difference Between Users and Contacts?


Users are people on your team that have access to Rapid Response. Dashboard Admins must invite new users to create an account. There are several ways users can interact in Rapid Response:

Dashboard Admins: Users with the role Dashboard Admin have the most control in Rapid Response. The most important permissions given to Dashboard Administrators are the ability to add and remove new users and the ability to add additional phone numbers to Rapid Response. We recommend keeping the number of users with the Dashboard Administrators role low because it has such important permissions.

To learn more about their permissions, click here.

Hotline Admins: Users with the role of Hotline Admin can manage a hotline, including the status of operators. They can also view messages and view call logs to help facilitate the hotline process. 

To learn more about their permissions, click here.

Operators: Users with the role Operator can send and receive calls and text messages on the hotline dashboard. This is the most frequently selected role for users. Please Note: Only operators can make and receive calls. Therefore, if you have the role of Dashboard Admin or Hotline Admin and want to answer calls, you need to also add the Operator role to your profile.

To learn more about their permissions, click here.


Contacts in Rapid Response is your team’s CRM (customer relationship management) system to save information about people who interact with your phone system. 

Anyone who interacts with your organization can be saved as a contact in Rapid Response. Contacts do not have access to your dashboard, rather they are the recipients of your calls and texts. 

Additional Information: To learn more about how to add people to contacts, click here.


